Tag Archives: Relationships
Jealousy Sends Astronaut into “Orbit”
As an astronaut, Lisa Nowak logged nearly 13 days in space and knew what it was to orbit the earth. But it wasn’t the Space Shuttle that launched her “into orbit” in early 2007 – it was jealousy. According to … Continue reading
Loving Enough to Trust
What would you do for someone you love? Anything? What would you do to someone you love? In the case of Richard Garibay of Ceres, California, it was torture. For a period of nine days, Garibay and a friend, Armando … Continue reading
Posted in 1 Corinthians, Abuse, Disillusionment, Drug Abuse, Envy, Expectation, Family, Jealousy, John, Love, Motivation, Relationships, Torture, Trust, Uncategorized, Victim
Tagged Abuse, Drug Abuse, Envy, Genuine, Jealousy, Love, Relationships, Torture, Trust
The Healthy Church – Connected
When you hear the word, “church” what comes to your mind? Depending on your background it could be something positive or negative. Even so, is your understanding of the word “church” biblical? Does the word “church” mean the same thing … Continue reading
Posted in Church Growth, Church Health, John
Tagged Church, Church Growth, Church Health, Fellowship with God, Growth, Relationships, The True Vine