Category Archives: Uncategorized
If You Aren’t Looking for Happiness – It Can Be Yours!
How would you like to be happier? That’s like asking, “How would you like to be less thirsty?” or “How would you like to have more money?” Everyone would be happy to be happier! Harvard researchers have made some discoveries … Continue reading
Paying It Forward
“Paying It Forward” How is this for a streak of kindness? According to a report in the Tampa Bay Times, “The acts of kindness [in St. Petersburg, Florida] began at 7 A.M. Wednesday with a woman, her iced coffee and … Continue reading
Hearing His Voice
For years it has been a great joy and privilege to serve The Lord in the former Soviet Union. Almost every year I would travel there to do a wide variety of things to further the Kingdom of God and … Continue reading
So the World Will Know
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in you. May … Continue reading
Advice to a Pastor Under Attack
Recently a young pastor with a heavy heart contacted me. He was overwhelmed and brokenhearted by critics in his church and pleaded for prayer. I have added portions of his original message below. I have made changes to keep his … Continue reading
Your Church – You Didn’t Build That!
“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that! Someone else made that happen!” -President Barak Obama Since our president made that statement[i] he has received a backlash of criticism. Some believe that it reveals a philosophy of dependence on … Continue reading
Why Them and Not Us?
68 years ago today, allied forces invaded Normandy and began the liberation of Europe. It is fitting that we honor the survivors, remember the sacrifice of the fallen, and attempt to learn from their courage. The awful price paid for … Continue reading
“How the Mighty Have Fallen”
memorial adj. \mə-ˈmȯr-ē-əl\ def. serving to preserve remembrance[i] On a day that is set aside to remember our fallen, I suspect that many of us have forgotten the significance of the holiday, and therefore, the significance of the sacrifice. In … Continue reading
Remembering Mom
Two ministerial students from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, were doing summer evangelistic work in a rural area near Montgomery. One hot day they stopped their car in front of a farmhouse and proceeded up the path through a gauntlet … Continue reading
Are You Growing?
Some of my earliest and fondest childhood memories are of watching, “The Wonderful World of Disney” as well as early Disney movies. In the childhood classic, “Peter Pan,” there is a part where Wendy falls in love with Peter. Under … Continue reading