Category Archives: Dissension
So the World Will Know
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in you. May … Continue reading
Posted in Church Growth, Church Health, Control, Dissension, Division, Encouragement, Example, Gossip, Humility, Mission, Purpose, Relationships, Sacrifice, Slander, Surrender, The Church, Uncategorized
Tagged Church Growth, Church Health, Church Unity, Division, Immaturity, Joy, Love, Mission, Purpose, Unity, Vision
Advice to a Pastor Under Attack
Recently a young pastor with a heavy heart contacted me. He was overwhelmed and brokenhearted by critics in his church and pleaded for prayer. I have added portions of his original message below. I have made changes to keep his … Continue reading
Posted in 1 Corinthians, Abuse, Anger, brokenhearted, Career, Challenge, Church Growth, Church Health, Comfort, Communication, Control, discouragement, Disillusionment, Dissension, Division, Encouragement, Faith, Family, Fear, God's Will, Gossip, Mission, Perseverance, Personal Growth, Purpose, Rumor, Slander, Success, The Church, Uncategorized
Bitter Rivalries and Broken Relationships
What happens when you combine hearsay with presumption and a blend in some deep-seated animosity? You get an angry reaction – much like Clemson’s Dabo Swinney’s unfounded anger and rant against The University of South Carolina’s football program earlier this … Continue reading
Posted in Challenge, Church Health, Communication, Discipline, Dissension, Division, Family, Gossip, John, Personal Growth, Rumor, Slander
Tagged Church, Church Health, Communication, Dissension, Division, Gossip, Misunderstanding, Rumor, Slander, Unity