Advice to a Pastor Under Attack


Recently a young pastor with a heavy heart contacted me. He was overwhelmed and brokenhearted by critics in his church and pleaded for prayer.

I have added portions of his original message below. I have made changes to keep his and his church’s identity confidential.

Dear Mark,
Please, please, please pray! I certainly need the prayers. Soon after I graduated from seminary, I began to serve as the Pastor of a Southern Baptist Church, in Georgia. When I answered the call to this pastorate I had no idea that I would be stepping into a divided and dysfunctional church.
I’ve been here nearly a year and I guess you can say that my honeymoon period is over because I have already had my first conflict with a church leader. This person serves in several areas of our church.
This began when I offered some suggestions for their ministry. After complimenting them on their work I made a small suggestion. 
Well, that simple suggestion threw them into a tantrum I didn’t expect. The next thing I know, I’m getting calls from members saying they were disappointed in me for the way I hurt their feelings. This person told them that I yelled at them and they felt like I had slapped them in the face because I was criticizing the way they serve.
Later on, I met with them and another leader and tried to work it out. We both made apologies and agreed to continue to work together (or so I thought). But, instead of continuing to work with me as they agreed, they called another leader and resigned. I again attempted to speak to them again the following Sunday. But, they still remained angry. Now they don’t serve anywhere and their family rarely speaks to me and they sit in the back of the auditorium scowling at me.
As a footnote, I am told that this same person was instrumental in running off the previous pastor. Now, I have a funny suspicion that this is what they are attempting to do to me because they continues to create division by speaking against me to other members. They won’t make eye contact with me and when they have to talk to me, they do so by looking at the floor. When I try to communicate with them they plays the victim card and gets defensive.
Also, I discovered that there are members who are passive-aggressive with other members of our staff and will not support their ministry because of a disagreement from long ago.
These are just two examples of how this church simply refuses to handle conflict in a godly and redemptive way. I saw that the animosity remains and it continues to be a divisive issue. So, somebody has to take the lead here. I am making every effort that I can to help them address this, and other issues, in a Biblical, redemptive manner. But, I am running up against severe resistance as there are some key leaders who don’t like it when I preach on reconciliation and loving one another. What else can I do?
I’ve been reading the minutes from business meetings and deacons meetings and I’ve discovered there is a pattern about this church. First, there will be a conflict of some sort. Then later, the pastor will leave sometime thereafter. During the interim period between pastors, there will be discussions about reconciling their differences and loving one another. In a short time, they’ll call a pastor and have a revival. This pattern repeats itself time and again with this church. And, guess what? I had not even began to unpacked before they are asking me about having a revival.
I agree that we need a genuine revival so I am preaching from Scripture that show God’s people His conditions for real revival and some of them don’t like that, either.
This church really needs to work through a lot of issues before we can move forward. I love this church, as there are some great people here. But, there is a dark stronghold on this church that is keeping it from being the church that God intends for it to be. This is an intense spiritual battle I am in and I can’t do it alone. Will you please pray for me and this church I serving as their Pastor?

My brother,

I am grieved to hear this. Sadly, I know all-to-well how believers behave badly and focus their animosity towards their pastor. I will pray.

This may be a battle to remove strongholds that lasts for years. I have served in churches with similar issues. I saw many strongholds fall, nearly lost my mind as the stress level was almost unbearable. Family illness during all of this naturally adds to the challenge. Here are seven suggestions that I hope will help:

1. Stay on the “high road” – Don’t let anyone provoke you to speaking or acting in a way that is not full of grace and truth. The enemy will seize upon this so be blameless.

2. Believe (really) that God will have the last word – Don’t let your frustration come through in your preaching. He will vindicate you.

3. Think of how God’s servants endured – The same God is your God.

4. Settle in for the long haul – It may take your entire ministry but someone has to rise above it and faithfully, consistently, lovingly hold to Christ’s ideal for the Church. You may not impress friends or the denomination with numbers, but you must be faithful. The Western mindset of a “successful” pastor and church with its quick growth is not often The way God works in bringing revival to His Church.

5. Pray for God to surround you with “Mighty Men” who will hold you up in prayer – Don’t try this alone. Also don’t subtly begin to base your success on others’ approval – becoming co-dependent. Eventually they will disapprove and it will be hard to objectively weigh their criticism. Beware of being a loner. You need to be vulnerable, but vulnerability can hurt. Nevertheless, it is necessary.

6. Be sure to focus on making and growing disciples – Not only is this the main thing and how we “seek first His Kingdom” but some of the men you help to grow in Christ could/should very well be instrumental in the future of the church.

7. Watch your health – In addition to a growing, vibrant personal relationship with Christ you need to have a healthy relationship with your wife and family. Your dear wife feels your pain so encourage and protect her. Discipline yourself to eat right and exercise. Aside from the obvious, this reduces stress and will help you think clearly. Fatigue will make a coward out of any man.

Early in my ministry many years ago, I was shocked to find that some in our church were angry at me and opposing me at every opportunity, yet they would not tell me why. I was so frustrated that I was ready to resign. I called Bob Sorrell, Adrian Rogers’ former associate and told him what was going on and asked what I should do. He reminded me that God knew about the needs of the people in the church when He put me there and that He would be with me as I followed Him. Of course, He was right.

I’ve prayed for you.


Perhaps you or your church has experienced similar stress. How would you encourage this young pastor?

Is your pastor in need of encouragement? Ask God to use you to be a “partner in the ministry” and a blessing to him!

I’m sure my young friend as well as your pastor would appreciate your prayers and encouragement!



This entry was posted in 1 Corinthians, Abuse, Anger, brokenhearted, Career, Challenge, Church Growth, Church Health, Comfort, Communication, Control, discouragement, Disillusionment, Dissension, Division, Encouragement, Faith, Family, Fear, God's Will, Gossip, Mission, Perseverance, Personal Growth, Purpose, Rumor, Slander, Success, The Church, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

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    The defending champions are on the ropes, and the best team in the NHL has another chance to move on to the second round of the playoffs. All four resuming Friday night feature a Game 6 with potential elimination. The most surprising team on the brink is Colorado, with the series going back to Seattle. There are a pair of second chances in the East, with top-seeded Boston trying to put away Florida and Carolina looking to advance past the New York Islanders.
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    Out West, of knocking off Minnesota and moving on. All eyes now are on the Avalanche, who are one loss away from being the first reigning Stanley Cup champion to lose to a team making its first playoff appearance in franchise history. “With the culture we have here, belief is the biggest thing and that?s instilled from the top down, so that?s never going to go away,” veteran forward Andrew Cogliano said Thursday.

    “But I think we?re at a point now where action is much louder than words.” It’s time for action from the Bruins, too, after they missed their first chance to move past the Panthers, with punctuated by uncharacteristic mistakes.
    As captain Patrice Bergeron said afterward, he and his teammates can’t give an opportunistic opponent “freebies” as they did in Game 5 at home. Seattle Kraken defenseman Carson Soucy, left, celebrates with center Yanni Gourde, who scored against the Colorado Avalanche during the third period of Game 5 of an NHL hockey first-round playoff series Wednesday, April 26, 2023, in Denver.

    (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) Game 6 is on the road at Florida, and the Bruins still have the series lead looking to be the 10th Presidents’ Trophy winners in the past 11 years to win at least one series. “I?m sure we?re going to come back with a real good, determined effort,” Boston coach Jim Montgomery said.

    “I have a lot of confidence in our team.” Confidence isn’t lacking for the Avalanche, either, especially after their Cup run a year ago. They’ll also get a boost with the return of 2022 playoff MVP Cale Makar from a one-game suspension. But much like Boston, the pressure is on Colorado. “They?re playing loose, they?re confident,” coach Jared Bednar said of the Kraken. “Obviously the guys in their room are like, `Yeah, we want to win,? but expectations are on our team.” HURRICANES at ISLANDERS, Carolina leads 3-2 (7 p.m.

    EDT, TBS) The Hurricanes lost despite outshooting the Islanders 36-22 and dictating for long stretches. Two Islanders goals came off Carolina turnovers, and the for another. Otherwise, it might’ve been the team’s best 5-on-5 game of the series. “You feel like you played good enough to win, but the bounces didn?t quite go our way,” Hurricanes forward Seth Jarvis said.

    “But for us, even watching video you could tell, we played the way we want to play.” after being knocked out of Game 4 on a hard hit into the boards, according to coach Rod Brind’Amour, who didn’t rule out the possibility of going with Frederik Andersen in net after Antti Raanta started the first five games. There are no questions about Ilya Sorokin being back in net for the Islanders after he made 34 saves to help New York win its first elimination game.

    Now comes another, this one with home-ice advantage and the chance to push the series to a Game 7 in Raleigh. BRUINS at PANTHERS, Boston leads 3-2 (7:30 p.m., TNT) The word that Florida coach Paul Maurice keeps using is freedom. Yes, there?s an obvious pressure when facing elimination – which the Panthers were in Game 5 in Boston before winning 4-3 – but there’s also much less from the outside going against the team that had the best regular season in NHL history. “These are hard games for these guys to play,” Maurice said.

    “You just have to mentally process one, and fight, and that brings that freedom. That?s the exact word I used before that game. You want to play with a freedom.” Sergei Bobrovsky looked like his best self, and a stop on a breakaway in the final second of regulation got Florida to overtime – on a night the Bruins outshot the NHL?s most-prolific shooting team in the regular season 47-25. “The veteran players and also your highest-paid players, these are the games where the pressure has to be on their shoulders, and they have to rise to the occasion,” Maurice said.

    “And he did. Everything that we could have hoped for from Sergei, he delivered.” The Panthers have not won two elimination games in the same series, or the same playoffs, since 1996. They may or may not have Ryan Lomberg for their latest attempt, with Maurice calling the forward a game-time decision. STARS at WILD, Dallas leads 3-2 (9:30 p.m., TBS) Joe Pavelski could return for the Stars in their first chance to advance after missing the past four games in concussion protocol from a hit from Minnesota’s Matt Dumba in the series opener. Coach Peter DeBoer said Pavelski, at 38 the second-oldest player in the playoffs and a key leader for Dallas, was traveling to the Twin Cities after just about a full practice. The Stars have survived so far without Pavelski, thanks to the production of center with 11 points, and goaltender Jake Oettinger, who stopped all 27 shots he faced Tuesday in Game 5 for the first shutout of this postseason. Another win would vault the Stars into the second round and a matchup against either Colorado or Seattle. “We have a great opportunity ahead of us,” said Oettinger, who has a .925 save percentage so far.

    “This is exactly where we want to be.” AVALANCHE AT KRAKEN, Seattle leads 3-2 (10 p.m., TNT) The Kraken are trying to treat the moment just as if it’s any other situation. But players and coach Dave Hakstol know the gravity of the situation. “We know what?s on the line, believe me,” Hakstol said.
    “We want to go home and play well and get the job done at home.” The Kraken have put Nathan MacKinnon and the high-flying Avalanche on their heels by scoring first in all five games. The Avalanche would like to reverse that trend and send the series back to Denver for a Game 7 Sunday. “We?ve got to have some desperation … and just find a way,” forward Mikko Rantanen said. ___ AP Sports Writers Pat Graham, Tim Reynolds, Aaron Beard, Jimmy Golen, Stephen Hawkins and Dave Campbell contributed. ___ AP NHL playoffs:
    Colorado Avalanche goaltender Alexandar Georgiev reacts after giving up a goal to Seattle Kraken center Morgan Geekie during the second period of Game 5 of an NHL hockey first-round playoff series Wednesday, April 26, 2023, in Denver. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) Boston Bruins head coach Jim Montgomery watches from the bench during the third period of Game 5 in the first round of the NHL hockey playoffs, Wednesday, April 26, 2023, in Boston. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) Florida Panthers left wing Matthew Tkachuk (19) leaps on goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky (72) while celebrating after scoring the game-winning goal against the Boston Bruins during overtime of Game 5 in the first round of the NHL hockey playoffs, Wednesday, April 26, 2023, in Boston. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) Carolina Hurricanes’ Stefan Noesen skates on the ice following the Hurricanes’ loss to the New York Islanders in Game 5 of an NHL hockey Stanley Cup first-round playoff series in Raleigh, N.C., Tuesday, April 25, 2023. (AP Photo/Karl B DeBlaker) Carolina Hurricanes goaltender Antti Raanta (32) jumps up to block a shot of the New York Islanders with Jean-Gabriel Pageau (44) close by during the third period of Game 5 of an NHL hockey Stanley Cup first-round playoff series in Raleigh, N.C., Tuesday, April 25, 2023. (AP Photo/Karl B DeBlaker) Dallas Stars goaltender Jake Oettinger, center, and teammates Radek Faksa (12) and Luke Glendening (11) celebrate the team’s 4-0 win against the Minnesota Wild in Game 5 of an NHL hockey Stanley Cup first-round playoff series, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, in Dallas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez) Dallas Stars goaltender Jake Oettinger reaches up to glove a shot from the Minnesota Wild during the third period of Game 5 of an NHL hockey Stanley Cup first-round playoff series Tuesday, April 25, 2023, in Dallas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez) Minnesota Wild left wing Marcus Johansson, bottom, and Dallas Stars’ Max Domi (18) fall to the ice after colliding as they chased the puck during the third period of Game 5 of an NHL hockey Stanley Cup first-round playoff series Tuesday, April 25, 2023, in Dallas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

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    The Seattle Kraken know the situation they’re in. They trail the Dallas Stars three games to two in their best-of-seven Western Conference semifinal series, with Game 6 Saturday in Seattle. “It’s do-or-die next game,” Kraken forward Jordan Eberle said.
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    “This is when it gets exciting. These are the games we want to play in.” The Kraken trailed 2-1 in their opening-round series against the defending Stanley Cup champion Colorado Avalanche before rallying to win in seven games. So they’ve come back in a series before already this spring. “I’m confident we can come back in this series. It’s far from over,” said Kraken defenseman Adam Larsson, who had a goal in Thursday’s 5-2 loss at Dallas.

    “One thing with this team, we have never quit. We probably never will.” But they’ll have to stop the Stars’ top line of Roope Hintz, Joe Pavelski and Jason Robertson, which combined for eight points Thursday. Hintz led the way with two goals and an assist, moving him into a tie with Edmonton’s Leon Draisaitl for the NHL’s scoring lead this postseason with 18 points (eight goals, 10 assists). “He’s been just an absolute monster for us this playoff, at the most important times,” Stars coach Peter DeBoer said.

    “I mean, (Thursday was) obviously a critical game for our group, and he comes out in the first 10 minutes and basically lets everyone in the building know that he’s here to play and dragging our group around, and he’s done that the entire playoff. “It’s almost been a little bit of a coming-out party for him.
    I think he’s been a playoff player before, and a good playoff player, but he hasn’t been a dominant playoff player. That’s what he looks like in this year’s playoffs.” Not to be outdone, Pavelski has seven goals in the series and Robertson has three goals and three assists, with all three helpers coming Thursday. Pavelski scored 35 seconds into the second period of Game 5, giving the Stars a 3-0 lead before the Kraken clawed back later in the period to make it 3-2. Hintz scored at 11:20 of the third to give Dallas some breathing room. “I mean, you want to play aggressive, you want to play on your toes, you want to skate.

    That’s the way we want to play,” Eberle said. “We want to be a quick team, but we have to be smart about it, too. We can’t be diving in everywhere and giving them odd-man rushes and opportunities to score. It’s just having the smarts and the veteran presence to know when to do that and when not to do it. “I think even if you’re 98 percent sure and two percent off, the two percent are the ones that end up in the back of your net. We have to find a way to just continue to play that way but limit the chances they get.” The Stars clinched their opening-round victory at Minnesota.

    They hope to advance again on the road Saturday and avoid a Game 7. “Now it’s on us to go there and end this on the road, which we did in the (first-round) Minnesota series,” DeBoer said. “Hopefully we have the same result.” –Field Level Media

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    The Seattle Kraken, making their first playoff appearance, are one victory away from eliminating the defending Stanley Cup champions. The Kraken can accomplish that feat Friday night at home, where they’ll play the Colorado Avalanche in Game 6 of their first-round Western Conference playoff series. Seattle took a 3-2 lead in the best-of-seven series with a 3-2 victory Wednesday in Denver. “We know that the fourth (victory) is going to be the toughest, and they’re going to bring everything they have,” Kraken defenseman Justin Schultz said.
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    “I think we’ve done a pretty good job all year of just focusing on the task at hand, not listening to any outside noise.” The Avalanche, who won the Central Division title with a 51-24-7 record (109 points), admitted they’re feeling some pressure. “I’ve said it a million times,” Colorado coach Jared Bednar said, “we’re putting the most pressure on ourselves out of anybody, right? `Cause we want to win and we want to get rewarded for the hard work we put in for the season, They’re a second-year team. They got in the playoffs. They got a good team. They’re playing loose. They’re confident. Obviously, the guys in the room, in their room, are like, `Well, yeah, we want to win,’ but expectations are on our team. “But that’s nothing new to our group, either.

    We’ve dealt with that over the last three or four years, last year especially, and they got the job done. I believe in our team to be able to deal with the expectations.” The Avalanche will get Cale Makar, last year’s Conn Smythe Award winner as the playoff MVP, back Friday after he received a suspension because of a late hit along the boards on Seattle’s Jared McCann in Game 4. But they might be without fellow defenseman Josh Manson, who left Wednesday’s game in the second period after reaggravating a lower-body injury. Left winger McCann, who led the Kraken with 40 goals in the regular season, didn’t make the trip to Denver for Wednesday’s game and doesn’t appear likely to return Friday. “He just sent a quick text (Wednesday) night congratulating us,” Schultz said. “Obviously, we miss him, and it’s probably tough for him to be watching but, hopefully, he heals quickly and we get him back quick.

    We miss `Canner’ a lot, but guys are doing a really good job of stepping up right now.” Tye Kartye, the American Hockey League’s rookie of the year, scored in his NHL debut for the Kraken and goaltender Philipp Grubauer made 26 saves against his former team. “Jared’s a big part of our team,” Kraken coach Dave Hakstol said. “We did what we’ve done in the past.
    Somebody (Kartye) stepped in and filled a hole, filled a big hole.” Colorado’s Nathan MacKinnon scored his third goal of the series Wednesday, but it wasn’t enough. The Kraken have scored the opening goal in each of the five games. “It’s tough, yeah.

    We didn’t have our A-game or our B-game (Wednesday), I don’t know why,” MacKinnon said. “We just got to find a way to bring Game 7 back here. I think we’re just shooting ourselves in the foot. I know it’s cliche to say, but I think there’s plays to be made out there and we’re just not making them for whatever reason right now.
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    The Seattle Kraken signed general manager Ron Francis to a three-year contract extension Wednesday, two weeks removed from a stirring run to the second round of the playoffs in just their second season. Francis, 60, now is signed through the 2026-27 season. Financial terms were not released by the club. “Ron has done remarkable work over the last four years and deserves this recognition,” Seattle co-owner Samantha Holloway said.
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    “He has built a tremendous team, putting Seattle hockey on the map. He is building for long-term success and is dedicated to our city, our fans and our community.” The Kraken lost in Game 7 to the Dallas Stars on May 15 after completing a 46-28-8 mark in the regular season. The Kraken knocked off defending champion Colorado in the first round. The Kraken went 27-49-6 in their expansion season. –Field Level Media

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    But if a partial agreement is reached, this does not bind creditors who do not consent, meaning that other ways to get them on board would be sought, it noted. Additionally, under French law, the opening of a conciliation procedure would override events of default in the debt instruments, the statement added. However, the CDDC concluded that this alone was not sufficient to trigger a bankruptcy credit event. A separate question was posed to the committee on Friday on whether a “failure to pay” credit event had occurred for Casino.

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    Scroll down to shop some of my favorite matching sets. Which set are you choosing to wear this summer? By providing your email address you are confirming that you are 16 or over and you are giving us consent to send you an email when the item becomes available. To find out more information about how to unsubscribe, please see our Privacy notice, Please do not subscribe if you are under 16. Get the Roylamp Women’s Summer 2 Piece Round Neck Crop Top Cropped Wide Leg Pants Set for just $35 at Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, June 9, 2021, but are subject to change. Best of all there are two piece outfits for every occasions, from workwear sets like suits to loungewear sets or even cute matching skirt sets for going out or date night! This faux shearling coat has major cozy vibes and looks just as soft as it feels. Featuring two front pockets and a zip closure with a stand-up collar, you’ll be as comfy as you are warm thanks to the fleece construction. Users report loving the trendy oversized fit.

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