Tag Archives: Determination
Disciplined Drive
While in high school I had unusual drive to succeed in sports even if I was only average in the classroom. From one sport to the next, I was determined not only to make the team, but also make a … Continue reading
Posted in 1 Corinthians, 1 Timothy, Accomplishment, Personal Growth
Tagged Determination, Discipline, Endurance, Preparation, Sacrifice, Success, Training
Developing Drive
At 7:45pm August 8, 2011, Diana Nyad dove into the water off the shores of Cuba on her second attempt to swim the 103-miles to the United States. A marathon swim in the ocean would be a monumental challenge for … Continue reading
Posted in 1 Thessalonians, Acts, Challenge, Personal Growth, Psalms
Tagged Determination, Diana Nyad, Dream, Goals, God's Call, God's Plan, Truett Cathy, Value