Category Archives: Ephesians
Parents – Loving Them to the End
Those of you who follow my posts on Twitter or Facebook know that my father, Al Bordeaux, has had a very difficult time lately. As I sit in his hospital room I began to list some lessons that I have … Continue reading
Posted in Aging, brokenhearted, Comfort, Communication, Death, Denial, discouragement, Elderly, Encouragement, Ephesians, Faith, Family, Father, Fear, Honor, Loneliness, Loss, Love, Memory, Parenting, Parents, Preparing to Die, Sacrifice, suffering
Tagged Aging, Elderly, Family, Fear, Loneliness, Loss, Love, Parents, Preparing to Die, Suffering
The Church – As God Designed Her
The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, being so much more than an organization or a denomination, is a living organism indwelt by the Spirit of God and is called to enjoy a relationship with God and represent Him before … Continue reading
Posted in Colossians, Doctrine, Ephesians, God's Will, John, The Church
Tagged God's Plan, The Church