Category Archives: discouragement
Advice to a Pastor Under Attack
Recently a young pastor with a heavy heart contacted me. He was overwhelmed and brokenhearted by critics in his church and pleaded for prayer. I have added portions of his original message below. I have made changes to keep his … Continue reading
Posted in 1 Corinthians, Abuse, Anger, brokenhearted, Career, Challenge, Church Growth, Church Health, Comfort, Communication, Control, discouragement, Disillusionment, Dissension, Division, Encouragement, Faith, Family, Fear, God's Will, Gossip, Mission, Perseverance, Personal Growth, Purpose, Rumor, Slander, Success, The Church, Uncategorized
Parents – Loving Them to the End
Those of you who follow my posts on Twitter or Facebook know that my father, Al Bordeaux, has had a very difficult time lately. As I sit in his hospital room I began to list some lessons that I have … Continue reading
Posted in Aging, brokenhearted, Comfort, Communication, Death, Denial, discouragement, Elderly, Encouragement, Ephesians, Faith, Family, Father, Fear, Honor, Loneliness, Loss, Love, Memory, Parenting, Parents, Preparing to Die, Sacrifice, suffering
Tagged Aging, Elderly, Family, Fear, Loneliness, Loss, Love, Parents, Preparing to Die, Suffering
A Broken Heart
When was the last time you saw someone with their heart in a cast, sling, or using crutches? Of course, that’s ridiculous. People with broken hearts don’t wear bandages. And neither do we recognize them or take their pain as … Continue reading
Posted in brokenhearted, Comfort, Death, Denial, depression, discouragement, Disillusionment, Encouragement, Faith, God's word, Grief, Inspiration, Loneliness, Loss, Perseverance, Personal Growth, Recovery, suffering, Trust
Tagged Broken heart, Brokenhearted, Comfort, Depression, Disappointment, discouragement, grief, heartache, pain, Suffering